Mauritania: Meaning of the Flag of Mauritania: Colors, Crescent, and Star

What do the colors on the flag of Mauritania represent?

The green color represents Islam and the gold color represents the Sahara desert.

What is the meaning of the crescent and star on the flag of Mauritania?

The crescent and star represent Islam and its spread across the country.

When was the current flag of Mauritania adopted?

The current flag of Mauritania was adopted on April 1, 1959.

What is the history behind the flag of Mauritania?

The flag of Mauritania was designed by Moktar Ould Daddah, the first president of Mauritania, and was inspired by the Pan-Arab colors.

What is the size and ratio of the flag of Mauritania?

The size of the flag of Mauritania is 2:3.

What is the significance of the green color on the flag of Mauritania?

The green color on the flag of Mauritania represents Islam, which is the predominant religion in the country.

What is the official name of the flag of Mauritania?

The official name of the flag of Mauritania is “Al Umr wal Watan” which means “The Unity and the Homeland”.

What other countries have a similar design on their flag as Mauritania?

The flag of Mauritania is similar in design to the flags of other Arab countries such as Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia.

What is the symbolism behind the gold color on the flag of Mauritania?

The gold color on the flag of Mauritania represents the Sahara desert, which covers most of the country.

Has the flag of Mauritania ever been changed or modified?

The flag of Mauritania has been modified twice, once in 2017 to remove the two red stripes and once in 2018 to add two red stripes back to the flag.